
Prostitutes are taking over Primrose

Residents have had enough of Primrose's prostitutes.

When you take your dog for a walk in the park in Begonia Road, Primrose Hill, be careful where you step.

You might find yourself stepping on a used condom or a condom wrapper.

The GCN was told about the situation by a concerned resident, who walks his dog through the park every day.

“The prostitutes bring their clients here every day, normally between 5pm and the early hours of the morning,” he said.

“They use the back end of the park where it is slightly quieter, and you see a different car every half-an-hour or so.”

The GCN also spoke to another resident in the area, who told us that the sex workers are particularly active in the park on Friday afternoons, over weekends and at night.

“I thought of putting up a toll gate at the park, as there are so many people passing through it,” he said.

He added that the Primrose SAPS were quick to respond whenever he contacted them about the prostitutes.

The residents are extremely concerned about this activity as the park is opposite Primrose Hill Primary School and they do not want children exposed to such behaviour.

Another area of contention with regard to prostitutes is Beaconsfield Avenue.

The GCN chatted to a woman, who does not wish to be named, about the large number of ”women of the night” working this street.

“I want to know what the police are doing about the situation,” she said.

“I am absolutely sickened by this.

“The other day I counted 15 of them and I see them getting picked up by all types of men on a daily basis.

“They must be removed from our area – they even have the nerve to stand outside churches.”

Another resident told the GCN that the problem with the prostitutes in Beaconsfield Avenue is growing.

“Some of them look like they can’t be more than 15 or 16 years old,” she said.

“There are lots of children in the area and they should not have to see these women plying their trade.”

The GCN contacted the Primrose SAPS regarding the matter and Sgt Styles Maome, the communications officer for the police station, said: “We will investigate the prostitutes using the park as a place of business.

“We are aware of the prostitutes in Beaconsfield Avenue and arrest them on a regular basis, however, once they get to court they are released with a warning as there is insufficient evidence, as we have not caught them in the act.

“They then just return to the area a few days later.”

The Primrose SAPS arrested two women, aged 28 and 32, recently in Beaconsfield Avenue for importuning/soliciting for the purpose of sexual immorality.

The police spotted them while they were out doing a routine patrol.

They stopped to observe the women and saw them exposing themselves in an indecent way to passing motorists.

The police arrested them and, when they appeared in the Germiston Magistrates Court, they were released with a warning.

“As police we are discouraging all the clients who are promoting prostitution in our area,” said Maome.

“They must not stop to buy the ‘ladies of the night’ in Beaconsfield Avenue and Rietfontein Road.

“We will carry on with operations and arrest those selling and those buying.”

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One Comment

  1. The Root cause of these prostitutes is the drug trade happening in this area, the woman sell their bodies in order to buy drugs from the drug dealers/pimps, stop the drugs and prostitutes will disappear

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