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Get ready for some Halloween fun

Calling all the ghosts and goblins to join in the parade.

It’s almost time for the annual Delville Sector Three CPF Halloween Parade.

The CPF is calling on all little ghosts, goblins and ghouls to join them in some spooky fun.

The event is set to take place on October 31, at 6pm.

Everyone is asked to meet at the circle closest to the Delville Bowling Club (the circle from which Delville South and Mons roads lead off).

The parade will end at the Germiston Sports Club, in Vimy Ridge Road, where prizes will be given for the best costumed junior girl and boy and senior boy and girl.

There will be a supervised disco at the Germiston Sports Club for the teenagers (13 to 18-year-olds) and parents are welcome to stay and socialise while the youngsters enjoy themselves.

The disco will end at midnight and all the children must be collected by then.

The parade will be supervised by members of the Delville Sector Three CPF and the SAPS will also be in attendance, leading the parade.

For more information contact Delville Sector Three CPF vice-chairman Greg Branford on 083 256 3179.

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