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Armed robbers chased to Golden Walk Shopping Centre

Brother assisted in suspects’ arrest.

Two men, aged 30 and 33, were recently arrested by the Germiston police.

The men were arrested after the brother of the victim, together with security from the Golden Walk Shopping Centre, called officers to the scene.

“It is alleged that the two men robbed the complainant of R130 at knife point,” said WO André de Jager, spokesperson for the Germiston police.

“The suspects were apprehended by the complainant’s brother, who chased them towards the Golden Walk Shopping Centre.

“Security guards at the mall arrested the men and kept them in custody until officers arrived.”

The suspe3cts were taken to the Germiston Police Station, where they were formally charged.

They will appear in Germiston Magistrates Court soon.

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One Comment

  1. well done city news for doing a great job…but there are some members of saps who are abusing people of the other nations esp malawians and zimbabweans that if yu jst go to the shop nearby to buy bread or to the tuckshop to get something if they meet you, they ask you to show them your passports and if yu left the passport at home they arrest you and they threaten you to deport you and they ask for Bribe to let you free.
    .my question to you is…
    is it a crime that if yu left your passport at home whilst you jst go to a nearby tuckshop to get something then yu mst be arrested and if yu tell them that lets go home i will show you my valid documents they refuse to do that..
    thank you

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