
Sgt Tshepo Seerane congratulated on a job well done

Sgt Seerane secures conviction.

Sgt Tshepo Seerane, a detective with the Primrose police, finally secured a conviction in a case in which he had been involved since 2011.

The case focused on the murder of a well-known Primrose businessman during a housebreaking and theft of a motor vehicle, in Sunnyridge.

The incident took place on November 25, 2011.

Through hard work and dedication Seerane was able to link three men to the crime.

They were arrested and appeared in the Germiston Magistrates Court, where two of them were found not guilty.

However, the third suspect, 27-year-old Khomotso Moswathupa, was found guilty and was sentenced, on March 12, of this year to:

  •  20 years for aggravated robbery;
  •  life imprisonment for murder;
  •  10 years for possession of an unlicensed firearm;
  •  three years for possession of live ammunition.

During sentencing the judge made it clear that Moswathupa was also declare unfit to ever possess a firearm.

“The management of Primrose SAPS thank the Sgt Seerane for such a good achievement, it shows that the detective was really dedicated to his job.

“This will send a message to all law-breakers out there that criminals belong in jail,” said communications officer for the Primrose police, Sgt Styles Maome.

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