Metro explains delay in repairing pipe

Burst water pipe wastes litres of water.

The GCN recently received an email from a concerned resident, who lives in Visbaai Street, Elandshaven.

The resident, who wishes to remain anonymous, reported a burst water pipe wasting litres of water in her street, despite numerous calls to the metro to repair it.

The GCN was able to reach the metro’s department of communications and brand management’s Themba Gadebe, who said: “The complaint was received by the call centre early on a Sunday morning, but, for some reason, the plumber on standby did not receive it.

“On the Monday morning, a team went out to the scene, but were unable to do the necessary repairs.

“The pipe was, however, repaired a few days later, when the team had the necessary equipment.

“We have standby teams that are set up to operate in the case of an emergency, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

“Stand-by teams should always go out to site and, if they cannot attend, they must report it to management.

“This matter will be addressed and rectified to prevent such incidents in the future.”

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