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Animals also feel the cold

Look after your animals in the cold.

As severe weather conditions grip parts of our country and a winter freeze is expected throughout South Africa, the National Council of SPCAs (NSPCA) is appealing to everyone to be vigilant and to undertake special care with regard to animals.

Individual SPCAs have been asked to make contact with traffic services and disaster management, so that they can be alerted if any roads become impassable and vehicles transporting animals become snowed in or trapped.

All animals are affected by the current, harsh weather conditions.

Feed is of great importance, especially to farm and wild animals if snow or flooding have compromised the availability of grazing.

Supplementary feed must be provided if natural food is unobtainable.

All animals should have access to potable water.

Sick, weak or injured animals must be brought under or preferably into shelter.

Blankets, sacks or even hay bales can be used as protection for animals, if no other options exist.

The public is asked to be extremely cautious, as tragedies have occurred in the past, such as a small animal seeking warmth, finding its way under a vehicle engine and losing its life.

Check under vehicles and inside engines, if needs be, to avoid tragedies of this nature.

All incidents should be reported to the nearest SPCA and, if assistance is required, kindly be specific as to how many animals are involved, where they are, what the needs and requirements are, etc.

Please report situations of concern telephonically, as Facebook and e-mails may not be monitored around the clock.

Visit www.nspca.co.za for the contact numbers of all SPCAs in South Africa.

The Germiston SPCA can be contacted on 011 825-5033.

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