
SAMWU members march illegally

Union members take to the streets in an unprotected march.

Friday saw about 2 000 SAMWU (South African Municipal Workers Union) members taking to the streets of the city.

The march and strike action was declared illegal and unprotected by the Labour Court, who interdicted both the march and the strike.

In terms of section 68 (5) of the Labour Relations Act of 1997, an employer is authorised to discipline and dismiss staff who participate in an illegal, unlawful strike.

The metro successfully contained the impact on service delivery of the march by SAMWU.

The members marched to the council offices to deliver a memorandum, which was received by city manager Khaya Ngema.

“The municipality commends the majority of its employees for ensuring that service delivery, as a constitutional imperative, was safeguarded; about 90 per cent of Ekurhuleni’s 18 000 employees reported for work,” said Themba Gadebe, from the metro’s department of communications and brand management.

No damage to council property, intimidation or any other kind of misbehaviour was reported.

Also see: Court declares SAMWU’s planned march/strike illegal

SAMWU march tomorrow

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