Crack-down operation leads to arrests

Primrose police crack-down on liquor licences.

A crack-down operation by the Primrose police proved successful, with the arrest of three men.

The suspects were arrested for selling liquor without a licence.

The operation, which took place on February 8 and 9, focused on cracking down on all forms of crime, and included patrols through Primrose’s informal settlements.

During one of the Saturday patrols, in the Makause informal settlement, officers approached two men selling liquor.

Officers asked the men for their liquor licence and when they could not produce one, they were arrested.

The third man was arrested on Sunday, under similar circumstances.

“We, as police, encourage the community to stop buying liquor from people without the correct licensing,” said communications officer for the Primrose police, Const Styles Maome.

“The continued support of these kinds of businesses encourages their existence, whereas a lack of support may see them ensuring they have the right licensing.”

The three men appeared in the Germiston Magistrates Court.

One of the three was released on a warning while the other two men were made to pay a fine before being released.

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