Help feed a needy child

Summiting a mountain to feed children. You too can do your bit to help feed a needy child.

The Feed a Family Organisation is registered as a non-profit organisation, with the Department of Social Services.

The group’s mission is to feed as many underprivileged families as possible and it encourages fellow citizens to assist in feeding at least one family every month, as it costs a mere R15 to feed an entire family for a whole day.

“Ultimately, we seek to empower the impoverished and spread our reach to as many needy South Africans as possible,” said chairman Malcolm Poovan.

“We currently supply necessities, like milk, bread and pap, on a monthly basis, at the Maccau informal settlement in the east of Johannesburg.

“Our overriding motivation is to alleviate poverty and reduce crime (through skills development and empowerment),” said chairman Malcolm Poovan.

“Startling statistics illustrate that more than three million children in South Africa are hungry every day.”

The Feed a Family Organisation’s project for 2014 is the Feed a Learner EPS Project, which is to provide daily lunch to approximately 1 350 impoverished pupils at Ekurhuleni Primary School (EPS) for this year.

The school is situated in Dukathole, an informal settlement in the industrial hub of Germiston.

“This poverty-ridden informal settlement, marred by high unemployment and crime rates, is home to mainly woman and children,” said Poovan.

“It will cost R4 per day (R20 per week) to feed one pupil a nutritious daily meal.

“In line with our overall vision and mission we ultimately want to empower the pupils and teachers of EPS with personal skills development, and the Dukathole residents with sustainable organic farming tools and knowledge,” said Poovan.

To give the project the kick-start it needs, The Climb, a fund-raising initiative involving a comedian, a mountaineer and a lawyer, is taking place.

The three passionate South African ambassadors, namely Tshepo Mogale, Sibusiso Vilane and Tebogo Kwape are currently (February 10 to 13) climbing Mount Kilimanjaro (at 5 895m high it is the world’s tallest freestanding mountain) to promote awareness and raise money for the Feed a Learner EPS Project.

The purpose of The Climb is also to shed light on the plight of hungry children in South Africa and how we, as citizens, can get involved and offer our help to children in need.

Tshepo Mogale is a local celebrity, stand-up comedian, writer and producer, whose notable works include the Smirnoff Comedy Blackout, the Joe Parker Comedy Express circuit and being published in the Urban Writers Series, among other things.

Sibusiso Vilane is a motivational and inspirational speaker, mountaineer and expedition guide and leader.

He was the first black African to summit Mount Everest and the seven peaks of the world and is the author of the book “To the Top from Nowhere”, among other accomplishments.

Tebogo Kwape is an attorney and partner at Kwape Matritz (MKM) Attorneys.

He has been a police reservist since 2007 and is a member of the SAPS Rifle Club.

“Our goal is to raise R1.5-million,” said Poovan.

“With this amount we will be able to provide daily lunch to the 1 350 impoverished pupils at EPS for the whole year.

“In order to reach our target, we are looking for 1 500 individuals/companies to pledge R100 a month to sponsor a pupil for the Feed a Learner EPS Project.”

For more information about the organisation, or to get involved, visit, or the organisation’s official Facebook page — The Feed a Family Organisation page.

You can also call Poovan on 011 640-2999.

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