Man charged with attempted murder

A man has been charged with attempted murder after stabbing his victim.

Last Tuesday, the Primrose SAPS arrested a 32-year-old man from the Delport informal settlement on a charge of attempted murder.

The arrest was made after the victim reported the incident to officers at the Primrose Police Station.

The victim explained that he had seen a man leaving his sister’s home with a chair and his T-shirt.

He approached the man and asked him why he was taking the stuff.

The man replied that the victim’s sister owed him money, and he had not been paid.

The victim, who said he knew nothing about any money that was owed, asked the man to return his shirt.

The man refused and went to his shack, where he got a knife and returned to wait outside the victim’s home.

The man tried to stab the victim in the chest, but as the victim blocked the blade he was only stabbed in the hand.

Officers responded to the report immediately and the suspect was arrested.

“We appeal to the community not to take the law into their own hands; there are professionals who are specially trained to deal with this sort of situation,” said Const Styles Maome, communications officer for the Primrose police.

The suspect appeared in the Germiston Magistrates Court, where his case was postponed for a bail application.

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