
Eight dogs poisoned in Lambton in one week

Dog poisoning on the rise in the Lambton Klip area.

The Lambton Klip Sector Four CPF is warning residents that dog poisoning is on the increase in the sector.

“Please make sure your dogs are safe at night, after all they are man’s best friend,” said Pine Pienaar, vice-chairman of the unit.

“This is such a heartless way for perpetrators to gain access to your premises to lay their hands on items.”

He added that leaving items of value in the open for people to see is an invitation to criminals.

“In one instance, a roll of cable was in plain sight where the dogs were poisoned,” he said.

Last Tuesday, between 11.45pm and midnight, four dogs were poisoned in Cachet Road, Lambton.

Three of the dogs died.

“The electric fence was breached to gain access to the premises.

“On the scene, cut coat hangers, shaped for possible ties (hand-cuff style) and hacksaw blades were found,” Pienaar said.

Then, on Thursday, four more dogs were poisoned in Cachet Road, during the same time period as the first incident.

The animals were killed with Aldicarb (Two Step), mixed with polony.

Aldicarb, or “Two Step” as it is commonly known, was mixed with polony and used to poison the dogs.
Aldicarb, or “Two Step” as it is commonly known, was mixed with polony and used to poison the dogs.

The CPF pleads with residents to make sure their gates are closed, lights are working to light up dark areas and where there are electric fences these should be free of plants/trees and the fences should be operational.

“If you have CCTV cameras on the premises make sure lenses are clean, so that, in a crime situation, clear images will be available to identify the perpetrators.

“We also ask that all crimes are reported, so that crime hotspots can be identified and crime prevention strategies put in place,” Pienaar said.

The CPF welcomes any suggestions from the community regarding keeping the dogs in the area safe.

If you want to become involved in the Lambton Klip Sector Four CPF, you can also call the information line on 072 193 8496, email to or visit the website at


Other dog poisoning stories:

Family heartbroken after dogs are poisoned

Family loses five dogs to poisoning


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