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Chestnut festival a huge success

Luso Africa hosts successful Sao Martinho.

Luso Africa Football Club hosted the annual Sao Martinho Festival in Hattingh Park, recently.

The two-day festival is primarily a celebration of the Portuguese culture.

“This is an annual festival that takes place in Portugal on November 11,” said the club’s chairman, Tony Azeredo.

The local festival was not held on the exact date due to the club’s other commitments.

It is also known as the Chestnut Festival as chestnuts have to be part of every festival.

“The festival originates from an interesting story. It is said a young Portuguese man, Sao Martinho, was riding on his horse on a rainy day, when he came across a beggar,” explained Azeredo.

“Martinho, feeling sorry for the beggar sitting in the rain and feeling cold, took off his coat and gave it to the beggar.

“This happened on November 11, and the story and act of giving to the less fortunate became well-known and touched a lot of Portuguese people.”

Azeredo said since then people from Portugal would, every year on November 11, give to the less fortunate and celebrate the day and the man who acted in kindness.

“November is the chestnut season in Portugal and among the things that were given out were the chestnuts and that is how the two go together,” explained Azeredo.

The chairman said because November is not the chestnut season in South Africa, the chestnuts at their festival had to be imported from Portugal.

“It is not a Sao Martinho without the chestnuts, so we had to import them, we love chestnuts,” said Azeredo.

The chestnuts are not the only vital treats at these festivals.

“Our festivals have to, among other things, have chourico (Portuguese sausage), farturas (sugar vetkoek), espetada (pieces of meat) and doprada (tripe with beans),” explained Azeredo.

“I know we are not the only people that host and celebrate it here in South Africa, and although this is usually held overseas, we just thought we should bring it home, a home away from home.”

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