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Young beauty heads overseas

Shenize set to shine at international convention.

Shenize Bekker (10) from Delville South has been invited to form part of a select group of talented young South Africans who will represent the country on an international stage.

Shenize is a talented singer, dancer and actor and she has been handpicked to perform during the annual AMTC (Actors, Models and Talent for Christ) Convention, in Orlando, Florida, USA.

She leaves for the States on December 26 and will be attending the convention from December 30 to January 4, next year.

Started in 1982, AMTC’s Shine Convention is a bi-annual talent convention.

“Shine is attended by actors, models, singers, dancers and comedians from all over the world — children, teens and adults called by God to be role models and talent missionaries in the world’s most important mission field – entertainment,” said Ruanne, Shenize’s mother.

AMTC provides the youngsters with an opportunity to pursue an international career.

“It is the place where connections are made.

“Acting, modelling, singing and dancing competitions provide a platform for new faces and talent to audition for agents, personal managers, casting directors, network and Broadway representatives, including music producers.

“AMTC competitions are judged by the industry insiders who come searching for their next big discovery,” said Ruanne.

Seminars, workshops and panel discussions are conducted by the agents themselves, and are full of up-to-date instruction and advice.

Agencies represented at AMTC include ABC, VH1, Walt Disney, Sony BMG, Elite Models, Sweetheart Records New York City, Capital Records, Discover Management Los Angeles, Cinq Deux Un from Tokyo Japan and many more.

“Shenize has been given the opportunity to spread her wings and she is proud to represent her community and South Africa among the best of the best,” said Ruanne.

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