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Residents worried by Barbara Road speedsters

How can Barbara Road be made safer?

Barbara Road, in Germiston has become a major concern to residents.

In the last two days alone the GCN has received four calls to report how dangerous the road has become.

The main concerns for residents are the high speeds at which many people travel along the road and the high number of accidents.

The question for many is: how can Barbara Road be made safer for all who travel along it?

Speed bumps?

An increase in effort by the EMPD?

The GCN made contact with the EMPD, to bring the residents’ concerns to light.

“We appreciate this problem being brought to our attention, the EMPD views the residents’ allegations/concerns in a serious light.

“The complaints have been forwarded to the precinct commander of the region, for further investigation.

“The outcome of this investigation will guide us on what action to take,” said Vusi Mabanga, media liaison officer for the EMPD.

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  1. Get new EMPD members that care about their jobs. Some of the current members just turn a blind eye. I see this every day. (They just don’t care and do nothing ,and just drive past )

  2. My mom agrees what can be done cause there was a accident on that road which involved a motorcycle. Will metro do anything about that dangerous road.

  3. I am a resident in Beaconsfield road in Primrose, Yes, Barbara rd and Beaconsfield rd is a big concern. Beaconsfield is also a speeding/race track for vehicle users. Speed bumps would be best to calm traffic in these two roads. Or Stop streets with bumps. Something must be done. Barbara rd has claimed too many lives in the past.

  4. I am a resident in Marlands , and I can hear when a accident takes place on Barbara Rd , There is WAY too many accidents and too many lives have been lost because of wreckless driving on this road .
    There are + – 2 + 3 accidents a week if not more .
    I am afraid to drive on that road as people speed and drive badly , somthing needs to be done about the ” Road of death ” as it is known to many.

  5. This road is a Death Road!
    Its so Dangerous just to get in or out ones drive way,with the speeding cars/trucks.

    Even Dangerous for the kids to just play in the front of the house,Had one car parts land in our yard.

    Fridays and Saterdays from round 9pm,you can hear them comeing up and down Barbara road.

    I live on the bad spot of Barbara Rd.

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