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Elsburg CPF elects new committee

"We had an AGM earlier in the year where we had a newly elected structure, but after months they resigned.”

The Elsburg Community Police Forum (CPF) Sector 1 elected a new committee on August 31 in a meeting facilitated by Elsburg SAPS CPF chairperson, Thulane Mashiya.

Mashiya welcomed the newly elected chairperson, Margaret Sekul.

Mashiya highlighted the importance of the CPF in addressing local crime.

Margarent Sekul was elected the new chairperson of Elsburg Sector 1 CPF.

He explained that the previous committee had resigned earlier this year, leaving the sector without leadership.

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“Elsburg faces unique challenges, particularly drug-related crimes, which lead to issues like petty theft and metal theft.

“We needed a standing committee to address these local problems.

“The CPF will act as the eyes and ears of the SAPS in fighting drugs and crime,” said Mashiya.

Sekul, a long-serving member of the CPF, expressed her commitment to improving safety in the community.

“I have been with the CPF for years and am dedicated to protecting our elderly and children.

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“Everyone deserves a safe community where they can walk to school or play outside,” Sekul said.

Thulane Mashiya, Gauteng Elsburg CPF chairperson welcomed Margarent Sekul as the new Sector 1 CPF chairperson.

She also encouraged community members to volunteer with the CPF, emphasising volunteers get no stipends or salaries.

“We invite everyone to join us in making Elsburg a safer place,” Sekul added.

Margarent Sekul was elected the new chairperson of Elsburg Sector 1 CPF.

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