
Gauteng youth take part in sporting series

Over 300 youngsters have taken part in the race this year.

The Zithulele Sinqe Foundation, in partnership with Central Gauteng Athletics (CGA), already hosted two of its three ZET Sinqe Series running events this year, giving over 300 youth the opportunity to showcase their athletic ability.

The second event was in Daveyton on August 3.

With a mission to scout for athletic talent among the youth in disadvantaged communities, athletic coaching clinics preceded the ZET Sinqe Series, conducted by professional coaches from the CGA.

This year’s Zet Sinqe Series has attracted over 300 young runners.

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With great determination, over 300 youth from the communities around Gauteng participated in these athletics events, where the winning athletes scored their portion of the prize money that was up for grabs.

Operating in disadvantaged communities, the ZET Sinqe Series is a purpose-driven, talent-scouting initiative under the umbrella of the Zithulele Sinqe Foundation, named after the late and legendary world-renowned athlete.

Sinqe believed that sports have the power to remove people from poverty. He dedicated part of his time as a development coach, identifying talented athletes from various disadvantaged communities to transform their lives through sports.

“It is for this reason that we embrace and appreciate our partners and sponsors, Mr Price Sport, African Pioneer Group, Glenryck Pilchards, Rhodes Food Group and Bull Brand, who all help us provide a platform for the young athletes to progress to club or professional running.

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“The prize money offered at the ZET Sinqe Series Run, is therefore not only a draw card or incentive, but a much-needed contribution to the households of these youths, where food security is often a real challenge,” says Zintle Mokoka, the co-founder of the Zithulele Sinqe Foundation and the daughter of the late legend.

This year, the Zithulele Sinqe Foundation, in partnership with CGA and the monetary support from the African Pioneer Group, Glenryck Pilchards and Rhodes Food Group, is hosting three ZET Sinqe Series run events, with the final race event for the year, scheduled for October in Soweto.

Participants who wish to participate in this life-changing event can register for the upcoming race on and follow the foundation on social media platforms, Facebook, Instagram and X.

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