
Cause of Delport Street water outages still a mystery

The residents of Delport Street, in Elsburg, want answers from the metro as to what is causing the continuous water outages in the area.

For residents of Delport Street, in Elsburg, is has been an uphill battle trying to get answers from the metro.

A number of residents recently reported the problem to the Germiston City News, explaining that the water supply in the street is disrupted several times a day.

The residents’ water woes have been ongoing for over a month, with no concrete answers from the metro.

The GCN sent an urgent query to the metro requesting clarity on the situation and to find out what the cause of the problem was, when it would be rectified, as well as what measures the metro would be taking to make sure that the problem did not occur again.

Themba Gadebe, spokesman for the metro, replied to the query stating that the metro was investigating the cause of the water supply interruptions in Elsburg.

But no further response on the matter was received.

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