
Police launch back- to-school campaign

The Primrose police kick-started their 2017 school visits, with a visit to Laerskool Die President.

The new school year is in full swing and the Primrose police kick-started their 2017 school visits, with a visit to Laerskool Die President.

Officers from the station and members of Primrose Crime Prevention Youth Desk recently visited the school to teach learners more about the crimes that affect children, including bullying.

Laerskool Die President’s pupils learn more about crime from the Primrose police.
Laerskool Die President’s pupils learn more about crime from the Primrose police.

After a play by the youth desk, Sgt Styles Maome, communications officer for the Primrose police, explained to the learners that the police are promoting a safer learning environment for every child which means that they cannot tolerate bullies.

“Each and every child has the right to an education.

“Therefore, a school should be a safe place where they can learn without fear,” said Maome.

The police plan to visit more schools in the area.

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