
Bell rings on new year

School’s across the city opened their doors on Wednesday, welcoming new and old students back for a new year of learning.

The city was abuzz with excitement as children across Germiston started the new academic year, on Wednesday.

Children were eager to start learning and staff were ready to tackle the challenges that lie ahead.

For the new Grade Ones and Grade Eights beginning new chapters in their school careers, there were tears of joy and a few of sorrow.

For the most part, it was smooth sailing as schools were well prepared – with any problems that arose, being handled quickly.

The GCN chatted to some of the city’s principals and visited a number of schools, to see how the first day of school went.

Primrose Primary School was full of the sound of children’s chatter, with the school’s grade ones extremely excited to start their first year of ‘big school’.

There were a few tears, but for the most part the children were happy and ready to tackle the year; and although the day was busy, the school got off to a good start.

Acting principal of Wychwood Primary School Linda van Schalkwyk said: “We’re happy with how things are going; the day has gone smoothly.”

Grade ones at Laerskool Die President were thrilled to be at big school, where principal Sybrand van Dyk could hardly contain his excitement, as he welcomed old and new students to the school for another year.

“I wish all the students and teachers all of the best for the year ahead,” van Dyk said.

Laerskool Delville’s principal was very pleased with the running of the first day.

“Everything is running smoothly; it’s fantastic,” said Adriaan Fourie.

“You need to do your planning properly and prepare for the day – and everything will run smoothly.

“We have around 170 Grade One learners this year.”

Germiston South Primary School principal Lanette Fouchè, told the GCN that although the first day was busy, they managed to pull through and have a successful first day.

“Parents were also present and wanted to know if their children were okay, which is fine – as they have their children’s best interests at heart,” said Fouchè.

“We try to accommodate, answer and assist them, as well.

“Some of the Grade Ones got lost this morning, because they didn’t come to yesterday’s orientation day and didn’t have their name tags – so I also had to go and place them in the right classes.”

Dinwiddie Primary School got off to a good start, principal Gail du Preez said: “All went well; the grade ones have settled and the school is functioning and teaching is already on track.”

David Roux, principal of Alston Primary School said: “Our first day was good. We’ve enrolled 300 new Grade Ones.

“There have been no problems and our school has shown massive growth, with a total of 1750 students.

“We look forward to a positive year.”

There was excitement, laughter and a few tears, as Laerskool Oosterkruin welcomed their new grade ones.

The school’s principal Chris Kruger and all of his staff were in high spirits, welcoming children and parents to the school.

Colin Mann School’s principal Marina le Roux said, “The first day back ran very smoothly with very few tears.

“Unfortunately the lack of capacity at Germiston schools continues to be a problem.

“Many unhappy parents approached the school requesting space for their children.

“Germiston urgently needs an new English medium school to alleviate this problem.”

Titien Kyamba, deputy principal of Institute Status Acres Secondary School, said that the school was still dealing with an influx of grade ones, but had everything in hand.

“While we are busy with our new grade ones, the older children are in class learning.

“The new academic year is in full swing and we are looking forward to it,” he said.

Ithembelihle LSEN School’s principal, Leonor Ngozi, said that everything was going smoothly and the school year had started well.

Classes were in full swing and the school was ready to tackle the new year.

“We’re still waiting for a few pupils to come back, but otherwise there have been no problems.

Afrikaanse Hoërskool Germiston’s principal, Retha du Toit, said: “We had a huge number of grade eight learners here on the first day – 204 to be exact”.

“This was a positive change, as most learners normally only to come to school in the second week.

“We’re grateful that our year started so well.”

Moeketsie Kolokoto, principal of Dawnview High School, said that the school’s academic year had got off to a perfect start.

“Though we had a few issues with late registration of some grade eight students, the day has started wonderfully.

“Children are in class learning, or on the school’s sports field trying out for athletics,” he said.

Principal of Hoërskool Goudrif, Marius Mills, was ready to tackle the challenges of the new year.

“The first day back at school is going very well, with no major hiccups,” he said.

“The children are settled into their classes and we are looking forward to a positive year.”

School of Achievement principal, Tinus du Preez, was pleased to announce the school’s first day was running smoothly.

“We’re all settled and ready to go.

“All of the children are in their classes and teachers are already teaching.

“We’re looking forward to the year ahead and hope to improve on our impressive 96 per cent matric pass rate, which earned us a special award.”

Mandla Cele, principal of Sizwe Secondary School, told the GCN that he was very happy with how the first day back at school was going.

“We’re having a perfectly normal first day of school, with everything going to plan.

“With the help of a Department of Education official who’s at the school, we were able to handle any first day niggles before they became a problem.”

Vryburger High School’s new principal, Ian Olivier, said: “Our first day back at school is going well.

“Everything is in place and we are looking forward to a wonderful new year.”

Primrose High School had a very busy first day, welcoming a new group of grade eights to the school.

“We’ve had a very busy but good day,” said HOD Emile Gouws.

“The principal and staff are in high spirits – and look forward to a positive year ahead.”

It was all systems go at Germiston High School: “We had a smooth first day and a positive start to the 2017 school year.

“We welcomed a large number of new grade eights (250), while the rest of the grades started classes as per the timetable.

“It is all systems go and we’re looking forward to another great year, especially as this is also our centenary year,” said principal André Beukes.

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