
Stay awake and arrive safely this festive season

Road accident statistics in South Africa are scary at the best of times, let alone during the festive season when thousands of South Africans head off on exciting holidays, family reunions and celebrations.

Christa van Wyk, brand custodian for a prominent energy sustenance brand, says staying alert during these long road trips is paramount to the safety of drivers, passengers and other road users.
Van Wyk provides five easy tips for helping drivers to stay alert and safe this holiday season:

  • Ensure that you get a good night’s sleep before the drive; at least seven to eight hours is recommended.
  • Taking a body and mind energy booster will help to keep you alert.
  • Travelling with a passenger who can share the driving is ideal. Drive in two-hour shifts, allowing one another a power nap or time to relax. Driving long distances can be extremely stressful and requires long periods of concentration.
  • Playing mental games with your passengers (as long as they are not distracting) and listening to music or audio books can all help in keeping you alert.
  • Stop often! Take time to stretch your legs, relax and sleep if you need to. Listen to your body! It will let you know when you need to do this.

Staying alert is a problem for many drivers, says van Wyk, even more so during the holiday period. Often drivers arrive home after a long day at the office, pack for their road trip and are back in the car without considering whether they are mentally and physically fit to be embarking on a long-haul drive.

Source: Turbovite

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