Editor's noteLettersOpinion

Neighbourhood Watch and community commended

Home owners overwhelmed when community comes together to clear fallen tree.

Bets Els, Marlands, writes:

Recently I received a call from my son, Andre, telling me that our old “doringboom” tree in our garden had broken and fallen into the street.

A Neighbourhood Watch member was on the scene before my husband Johan and I arrived home.

He sent out a WhatsApp message to the community and, to our amazement, when we rounded the corner en route home the street was full of lights and people helping to remove the tree.There were people everywhere, some cutting off branches, others clearing branches.

From 6pm to 9.30pm young and old worked tirelessly to remove the tree and we thank everyone who was involved in the clean-up, from the Marlands community to the Marlands Community Centre and the Marlands Neighbourhood Watch.

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