
School bell rings on new academic year

It was back to school for children throughout Germiston, on Wednesday.

The city was abuzz as children across Germiston took their seats behind their desks and kick-started the new academic year, on Wednesday.

Children were eager to start learning and staff ready to tackle the challenges that lie ahead.

Tears of joy and a few of sorrow were also shed as new Grade Ones started their school careers.

For the most part it was smooth sailing as schools were well prepared.

The GCN chatted to some of the city’s principals to see how the first day of school went.

“Our first day was very busy, but very good,” said Afrikaanse Hoërskool Germiston’s principal Retha du Toit.

“We welcomed 189 Grade Eights to the school, the most we have ever had, and are still expecting more.

“We are ready to get the year started.”

“We hosted our orientation a week before school started so we were able to start classes straight away on our first official day of school,” said Neville Workman, principal of Assumption Convent.

“Though we did have the normal first day stresses, we were able to handle any problems that presented themselves easily and without hassle.”

Deputy principal of Dawnview High School, Tommy Stoltz said the first day back went very well, with the students all in class and working.

“We are ready for the new academic year,” he said.

“Our first day back went very well,” said Renee Goosen, deputy principal of Germiston High School.

“The day started with a visit from a pastor who offered the students encouragement for the year ahead.

“The Grade Eights also wrote their first sets of assessments on their first day.

“We are very happy with how the year has started.”

Jannie Jordaan, principal of Hoërskool Vryburger High School, said that the school’s first day ran smoothly.

“We had the students sorted and in their classes and started handing out text books all on the first day.

“We are ready for the new year and look forward to getting classes underway,” he said.

Rondebult Secondary School’s secretary, Ina Templeman, said the first day back went very well, with no hassles and nothing they couldn’t handle.

Sizwe Secondary School’s acting principal, Aaron Nkambule, said: “Everything went well except that we are faced with a challenge due to the fact that three of our teachers handed in their resignations.”

Germiston South Primary School also got off to a good start.

“We held our orientation day, the day before and all the rules and activities of the school were explained to parents and new pupils,” said Lanette Fouché, principal of the school.

“Our parents are very enthusiastic, which is very good.”

Laerskool Delville kick-started their year well.

Adriaan Fourie, the principal of the school, said: “It was wonderful.

“Everyone was settled in quickly as we had done our preparation thoroughly beforehand.”

Eric Roux, principal of Alston Primary School, echoed these sentiments and said that their Grade Ones had already started on Monday and Tuesday, so that by the time the official first day came they were settled.

“We took in a record number of Grade Ones this year, a total of 320,” he said.

Galway Primary School’s principal, Riëtte van den Berg, also said their school had experienced no problems.

“This was one of the best starts to the school year we have ever had,” she said.

Ithembelihle Lsen School also had a good start.

Principal Leonor Ngozi said that everything was going well and classes were on track.

“Our day is running smoothly, our teachers and students are ready for the year ahead,” said Sunnyridge Primary School principal Marianna Odendaal.

“We have a lot of students but are able to cope with the numbers.”

The only problem the school had to deal with was the unexpected arrival of children from different schools.

“There was a mix-up with their transport and they were mistakenly dropped off at our school but we made arrangements to take them to their own schools,” Odendaal explained.

It’s a new year, filled with new challenges for Laerskool Oosterkruin.

The school welcomed a host of new pupils including its first English Grade One class.

Laerskool Elsburg’s principal, Marius van Rensburg, said: “Everything went very well and ran smoothly.

“The orientation held the day before helped Grade One pupils to familiarise themselves with the facilities.”

Eunice Stockton, deputy principal of Colin Mann School, told the GCN that everything went well.

“We had a funny incident where the door of Sandrisha Govender’s class would not open.

“It was also her first day with us, so the children had to go play while the door was opened.”

The schools are all looking forward to a great academic year.

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