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Become a patroller for the Din-Al-View CPF

Help reduce crime in your neighbourhood.

Din-Al-View CPF (Sector Five) is appealing to all its residents to assist with patrolling (vehicle/foot) the sector.

“We need more active patrollers on our roads to gather information on suspicious activities; an increase in patroller visibility will also deter criminals,” said Jane Dijkman, the public relations officer for the Din-Al-View CPF.

“We have seen an escalation in our crime rate this month.

“During the first week of April, three houses were burgled, two homes were robbed while the residents were present, one motor vehicle was stolen and property was stolen out of a parked vehicle in the area.”

Residents’ involvement is required to address the criminal activities in the neighbourhood by being the eyes and ears of the community.

“Let us be proactive and prevent ourselves from becoming victims of crime and another statistic,” said Dijkman.

Residents of Albemarle, Dinwiddie, Castleview, Union and Norton Small Farms, who would be prepared to make a difference in this sector, can contact patrol coordinator Tony Purnell on 078 513 2510, or email to him at patrol@dinalview.co.za.

Patroller training will be provided.

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