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EMPD officers rewarded for bravery and dedication

“The task of improving the state in which Ekurhuleni is belongs to all of its people, councillors, administrators and residents, all three million and more.”

The City of Ekurhuleni (CoE) hosted the first EMPD medal parade in Kempton Park to honour the bravery and dedication of the EMPD on June 21 and 22.

Senior officers were rewarded on the initial day of the parade, with the juniors on the second. The rest of the members across the city will be rewarded at their respective precincts throughout the following weeks.

In 1998, the municipal and metropolitan council police forces were brought under the auspices of the SAPS Act and became collectively known as the metropolitan police services.

A series of decorations and medals were gazetted on August 8, 2008, under the signature of the State president (Government Gazette 31310), comprising the following awards and decoration for the metropolitan police services: gold cross for bravery, the silver cross for bravery, gold decoration for outstanding service, silver decoration for outstanding service, commendation medal, inauguration medal, 40-year loyal service medal, 30-year loyal service medal, 20-year loyal service medal, 10-year loyal service medal, canine and equine cross for bravery.

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Ekurhuleni Mayor Mzwandile Masina said his task is to reflect on the achievements and accolades of EMPD officers.

“The task of improving the state in which Ekurhuleni is belongs to all of its people, councillors, administrators and residents, all three million and more.”

He applauded and commended all those who we honoured at the ceremony.

“You are decorated for your loyal service, but I thank you for the professionalism and dedication you have displayed during a time when our capabilities and resources was placed under extraordinary pressure,” said Masina.

“Let us remember it is in the field, in the realities of the world that we are ultimately challenged and tested. Our brave women and men serving under the EMPD flag require strong and steady support and guidance.

“You play an invaluable role in setting up operations and providing strategic direction. You constantly have to respond to emerging threats, sudden emergencies and other often dramatically changing conditions. With your knowledge, your expertise and your hard work, the EMPD continue to grow, professionalise and modernise.

“I would like to award 40-year loyal service medals to six loyal and dedicated officers. This is an achievement that few officers achieve and illustrates their utmost commitment and dedication.

“These officers are an example of true dedication to all their fellow officers and the community.

“In addition, I would like to award 25 officers loyal service medals in recognition of all the years of loyal and dedicated service to the community.

“Many have rendered policing service over 20 and 30 years. Your dedication and commitment to serve the community must be applauded.

“I extend my warmest congratulations to our metropolitan police medal recipients today. I am certain this is just one more milestone, one more well-deserved recognition in your distinguished careers. I thank you for your service to the city, your internal and external stakeholders and the people we all are to serve in the spirit of the Constitution.”

EMPD chief of police Isaac Mapiyeye has over 25 years of experience in the policing sector, having worked his way through the ranks from traffic inspector.

Mapiyeye said the EMPD, established on February 16, 2002, is the first metropolitan police department to have completed a tender to procure the medals and inauguration of four long service and soccer world cup medals.

The minister of police decreed the 2010 Soccer World Cup support medal as issued to members of the SAPS who served during the event also be awarded to members of the metropolitan police service who served during the event.

“The remaining award and decoration medals will be procured at a later date and an internal committee established within the EMPD to determine the eligibility of proposed members to receive such medals. Thereafter another medal parade will be conducted in the new financial year,” added Mapiyeye.

Contact the newsroom by emailing: Marietta Lombard (Editor),  or (Journalists) Busi Vilakazi

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