
Mrs Vee’s cup of words – Follow the lockdown rules

Adhere to the rules.

It’s been 22 days since the lockdown started and yesterday was supposed to be the last day.

But two more weeks have been added meaning we are starting another round.

In this short space of time a number of things have happened to cause sadness in me in these difficult times. This includes the grant collection situation, the informal settlement challenges and the homeless.

These three incidents made me more grateful for the roof over my head, food on my table and the family I have.

Please don’t get me wrong I’m always appreciative of all that I have.

But this pandemic has made me reflect more on my childhood teachings from my father.

I’m grateful for what he has taught me, because now it’s the wisdom that is keeping me sane, coupled with my family.

He said to me “always be grateful for what you have because it is not guaranteed to be yours forever and always remember that money can never buy you a seat at the table of happiness”.

When growing up I understood what he meant but did not always apply the teachings.

As I get older I have learnt to be more appreciative.

Since the pandemic started I have been observing what people share on social media platforms.

It has made me realise that many have discovered that the table they thought they were sitting at is not of happiness.

Covid-19 has forced us to practice social distancing, but has made us come closer to ourselves and to our loved ones.

I follow a number of groups on Facebook that focus on young mothers, wives and couples and the posts I have been reading have really shocked me.

People are breaking the laws by roaming the streets refusing to stay home because they are afraid to face themselves and their partners.

Happiness to them it seems is being with other people.

Please don’t misunderstand me, there is nothing wrong with going out and having a good time with your friends and enjoying a beer or two, but when you fail to survive by yourself it’s something else.



Surviving lockdown: exercise

Mrs Vee’s cup of words – Lockdown thoughts


Now, think about it.

You have a roof over your head, a comfortable bed and a family, but you still don’t want to stay home.

When you leave the house because you choose to ignore the lockdown rules and go jogging, walk your dog and fulfill your heart desires think about the elderly who have to stand in a long queue whether they like it or not to get their social grants to buy food to ensure that they don’t go hungry during this lockdown.

Think about that family of six who lives in a one room shack and barely has enough to survive and think about the homeless who have no choice but to welcome and accept anything that is given to them in order to survive.

You have the privilege of choosing what you want to eat and when to buy it and enough money to buy what you need whenever you want too.

But that does not give you the right to break the law.

People need to stay home and understand the purpose of the lockdown.

The government wants to flatten the curve and that requires us to adhere to the rules and regulations.

So, if you have no reason to be outside, then stay at home.


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