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Take care of your health during a heatwave

Be careful when you are out in the sun during a heatwave.

Most of us welcome hot weather, however, it can bring detrimental effects to life in both the plant and animal kingdoms, including humans.

Some places can be hit by heatwaves and endure a prolonged and persistent period of abnormal hot weather posing serious health risks to life and potential summer fire hazards.

Ekurhuleni Disaster and Emergency Management Services (DEMS) is alerting people not to overlook the risks that come with a heatwave.

The main risks that a heatwave poses to life are:

• Dehydration.

• Overheating.

• Heat exhaustion.

• Heat stroke.


Definition: A deficit of total body water, with an accompanying disruption of metabolic processes. It occurs when free water loss exceeds free water intake, usually due to exercise, disease, or high environmental temperature.

The most common warning signs and symptoms of dehydration include:

• Dry skin.

• Dry mouth. As an early sign.

• Sleepiness.

• Thirst. As an early sign.

• Decreased urination.

• Muscle weakness.

• Fatigue.

• Headaches.

Treatment of dehydration:

• Get the affected person to rest in the shade, dress lightly and in brighter colours.

• Help them to sit down and give them plenty of water to drink. Avoid too many carbonated drinks.

• Giving them an oral rehydration solution to drink will help replace salt and other minerals which they’ve lost – you can buy the solution in sachets from any pharmacy.

• If they have any painful cramps, encourage them to rest, help them stretch and massage the muscles that hurt.

• Keep checking how they’re feeling – if they still feel unwell once they’re rehydrated then encourage them to see a doctor straight away.



Look after yourself and others in the heat

Take care in hot weather conditions


Heat exhaustion:

Definition: Heat exhaustion is a condition whose symptoms may include heavy sweating and a rapid pulse, a result of the body overheating. It’s one of three heat-related syndromes, with heat cramps being the mildest and heatstroke being the most severe.

Common signs and symptoms include the following:

• Confusion.

• Dark coloured urine.

• Dizziness.

• Fainting.

• Fatigue.

• Headaches.

• Muscular or abdominal cramps.

• Nausea and vomiting or diarrhoea.

• Pale skin.

• Profuse sweating.

• Rapid pulse rate.

Treatment of heat exhaustion:

• It is essential to get out of the heated environment and rest. Preferably in an air-conditioned room or shady place.

• Drink plenty of fluids, especially sports drinks to replace lost salt. Avoid caffeine and alcoholic drinks.

• Remove any tight or unnecessary clothing.

• Take a cool shower, bath or sponge bath.

• Apply other cooling measures such as using a fan or a wet towel.

It is important to note that if such measures fail within 15 minutes, you must seek emergency medical intervention because if left untreated heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke.

Heat stroke:

Definition: Heat stroke, also known as sun stroke, is a type of severe heat illness that results in a body temperature greater than 40°C.

Signs and symptoms of heat stroke:

• Dizziness or light-headedness.

• Seizures or coma.

• Nausea and vomiting.

• Flushed and reddened skin.

• Slurred speech.

• Agitation.

• Disorientation.

• Delirium.

• Unconsciousness.

It is important to note that heat stroke is a serious medical condition that can lead to organ failure and even death.

Treatment of heat stroke:

• Prompt cooling will bring core body temperature and the brain back to normality within an hour. Use cold water immersion.

• Seek prompt medical intervention as soon as possible.

• Avoid sugary, sweetened drinks, alcohol and caffeine because they will cause increased urination and electrolyte loss.

Don’t wait until you are thirsty to start drinking water.

By then, you are already becoming dehydrated and putting yourself at risk of heat stroke.


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