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Discover a whole new world by reading

The GCN promotes a culture of reading in the community.

It opens up new worlds, brings fulfilment and increases your knowledge.

This is reading.

Reading is extremely important especially for children and under the Caxton Cares and We Read banners the GCN has been bringing the community stories about its importance since July.

And as National Book Week and the South African Book Fair occurred at the beginning of September, the GCN took their love of reading to two schools in the city.

The GCN’s branch manager Natalie Maree spent an enjoyable afternoon reading to the Grade R learners at Daeraad Pre-Primary School in Fishers’ Hill.

The children so enjoyed the reading time that Natalie had to read not one, but two stories.

“Reading is knowledge and knowledge is power.

“Every child should have the opportunity to learn to read,” said Natalie.

“Not only does reading provide education but it feeds the imagination and is able to take you to a whole new world.”

It was then the turn of the GCN’s editor Melissa Hart to grab a book and visit the Grade One learners at Germiston South Primary School.

Before settling down to read rather a lengthy story, Melissa showed the children a book she had won as a book prize when she was in Grade One and told them how the book had helped ignite her love of reading and learning.

“I read this book so many times and I never got bored of it,” she said.

“And when my daughter Gabrielle was born, I read it to her and today she is an avid reader.”

On the day Melissa was joined by Marietta Lombard, the editor of the Bedfordview and Edenvale News and Joburg East Express.

Marietta read a short snippet to the children and then asked them questions about their reading habits and why they like to read.

“No photo, documentary, audio or movie can match the storytelling power of reading,” said Marietta.

The book she had been reading from was donated to the school for the Grade One teachers to finish reading the story, as well as others in the book.

The children thoroughly enjoyed the reading time and the GCN hopes they were inspired to pick up a book and read.

“To read is to open up a whole new world to yourself,” said Melissa.

“One where you can explore different places and increase your knowledge and understanding, as well as take time out just to relax.”

Apart from reading to youngsters the GCN also held a book drive to collect books for children.

A number of Germiston schools came on board with the project and the GCN thanks Germiston High School, Dinky Dolly Nursery School, Pitter Patter Academy and Daeraad Pre-Primary School for their generous donations.

The donated books were handed over to Hawk Academy last Tuesday to the delight of the librarian Sharon Mastara, principal Agnes Mkhonto, teachers and learners.

The school has a library and couldn’t wait to add all the donated books to their collection.

Have a story?

Contact the newsroom by emailing: Melissa Hart (Editor) germistoncitynews@caxton.co.za or Leigh Hodgson (News Editor) leighh@caxton.co.za.

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