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Masina delivers State of the City Address

Executive mayor Clr Mzwandile Masina delivered his State of the City Address to the people of Ekurhuleni on Wednesday.

After leaving the council chambers, at the Germiston Civic Centre on Wednesday, the executive mayor of Ekurhuleni, Clr Mzwandile Masina, delivered his State of the City Address to the people of the city outside.

After sangomas blessed the ceremony, council speaker Clr Patricia Kumalo formally introduced him and he took the podium to address the residents assembled in the marquee.

“I deliver this address with a heavy heart after the passing of a revered stalwart of the revolution, Ahmed Kathrada,” he said before beginning his speech.

Masina then began to outline the work the new leadership of the metro had already undertaken and the plans for the future.

“Today marks an important milestone in the life of the fourth administration,” he said.

“Our work builds on the solid foundations of our predecessors.”

The mayor went on to touch on a number of topics, including:

  • A practical attack on poverty and inequality.
  • Effective delivery of services.
  • Healthcare.
  • Housing developments throughout the metro.
  • Improvements to the Ekurhuleni Emergency and Disaster Services.
  • Improvements in both the metro’s EMPD and SAPS services.
  • Improvements in the arts and culture sector.
  • Improvement of infrastructure.

“Our motto is thus ‘delivery, delivery and delivery’ as expressed in our Siyaqhuba call to action,” he said.

Proceedings came to an end with personnel from the EMPD and Ekurhuleni Emergency Services taking to the streets of Germiston in a parade.

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