
Incorrect property details on some property valuation letters

The metro is aware that some residents have received property valuation roll letters with incorrect details.

The metro wishes to alert affected property owners that it is aware of incorrect information contained in some Section 49 letters issued in terms of the General Valuation Roll inspection process.

Property owners would have received letters from the metro in February calling for the inspection of the general valuation roll and lodging of objections as per Section 49 of the Municipal Property Rates Act of 2004.

The letters have correct property owner information but the property description box and its contents are incorrect.

This was a result of an error when merging data to mail these letters.

The metro is preparing new letters with the correct property description and values and these will all be mailed before the end of March.

The certified valuation roll is, however, currently open for inspection at customer care centres as the certified roll remains intact despite the printing error on notices to inspect it.

The closing date for objections is May 5 at 3.30pm.

This still affords residents enough time to lodge objections (where applicable) in line with the relevant legislation.

The metro will also place the certified valuation roll on its website from Thursday, March 16.

The metro apologises for any inconvenience caused.


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