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Help needy children celebrate their birthdays in style

School needs community’s help to make needy children’s birthdays special.

Laerskool Oosterkruin Primary is in the process of organising a very special event.

The Big Birthday Bash will be held on June 25 and is aimed at celebrating the birthdays of all the needy children in the school.

There are 55 children from 27 families who will be spoiled on the day.

“Once a year a very special day arrives.

“A day that is only yours – for one whole day.

“This day is your birthday and you wake up to this day with excitement and anticipation.

“You can’t wait for all the hugs, congratulations, sweeties, cake and of course the present,” said Anita Visser, from Laerskool Oosterkruin.

“But what if your parents can’t afford to make your special day special for you?

“What if there is no money to buy a cake or a present?

“What if everyone would rather ignore your birthday, because there is just no way they can give you something?”

This is why the Samaritan Project from Laerskool Oosterkruin Primary is hosting the Big Birthday Bash for all the school’s needy children.

“We want to give each child their own cake and present,” Anita said.

The school is appealing to the community to get on board with the project, and they need “guardian angels” to sponsor each child with a birthday cake and present.

“It is also the start of the winter school holidays, so we would also like to give each family a food parcel and a warm blanket,” Anita added.

Sponsorship of food parcels would also be highly appreciated.

Donations can be delivered to Anita, in the office at Laerskool Oosterkruin, in Batavia Street, Gerdview. Email to admin@oosterkruin.co.za if you would like to become a guardian angel for the day.

To make the birthday party extra special, the school is also looking for donations of cold drinks, paper plates, cups and sweets, boerewors and rolls., so help with these would be appreciated.

For more information contact the school on 011 828-2748.


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