
Community hands man over to police after murder

Man’s throat slit in Makause.

The community of the Makause informal settlement recently handed a 32-year-old man over to the Primrose police after a murder.

“On arrival at the settlement, the police found a man lying in a pool of blood with his throat cut and a broken right leg.

“Paramedics were summoned to the scene and declared the man dead,” explained communications officer for the Primrose police, Sgt Styles Maome.

Claiming they had witnessed the murder community members handed the accused over to the police.

“It appeared that the community members had taught the suspect a lesson before handing him over to the police,” Maome said.

“We are appealing to our community not to take the law into their own hands.”

The accused will appear in the Germiston Magistrates Court on charges of murder soon.

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