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Do your bit and save water to help prevent a water shortage

Water restrictions may be implemented by Rand Water if people don't use water sparingly.

Persistent high temperatures in Rand Water’s areas of supply, including Ekurhuleni, have been putting a strain on the water supply system.

The lack of rainfall has further worsened the situation.

Rand Water said that the high water demand is projected to cause localised problems, such as low water pressure and water shortages, in some parts of Johannesburg, Tshwane and Ekurhuleni.

It is important to note that Rand Water’s bulk supply system is concerning, yet stable.

Rand Water and the top five municipalities are in discussions to jointly manage the situation.

Rand Water urges all residents to use water sparingly and asks the community for support in encouraging your families and friends to do the same.

Here are some Water Wise tips for Rand Water:

  • Only use what you need. Don’t waste water.
  • Toilets are one of the biggest water users. Remember: “If it’s yellow, let it mellow. If it’s brown, flush it down.”
  • Turn off urinals that run continuously, especially after hours.
  • Take short showers (less than five minutes).
  • Take shallow baths (less than 20cm).
  • Check for water leaks and fix them immediately.
  • Turn off the tap whilst brushing your teeth or shaving.
  • Try to not water your garden. If really necessary, only water between 7am and 9am and 4pm and 8pm.
  • Apply mulch (grass cuttings, bark chips, stones etc) to your garden as it can reduce water use by up to 70 per cent.
  • Sweep any paving with a broom instead of washing it with water.
  • Report water leaks to your local municipality.
  • Spread the Water Wise message at home, at school and at work.

For more Water Wise tips, visit www.randwater.co.za and click on the Water Wise logo.

If every person uses water wisely there will be more water for all.


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