
Riverside traditional dance group to lead this year’s Pale Ya Rona Carnival Parade

Local Sepedi Traditional Dance Group can’t wait to lead this year’s Pale Ya Rona Carnival parade

Riverside-based Sepedi traditional dance group Basadi Itireleni has been selected to be among the leading groups in this year’s Gauteng Pale Ya Rona Carnival Parade at the Union Buildings later this year.

Pale Ya Rona Carnival Parade is an annual event hosted by the provincial Department of Sports, Arts and Culture that incorporates the application of a diverse range of creative industries skills such as costume design and manufacture.
Founder and chairperson of Basadi Itireleni, Koki Komani said the dance group with 16 active members was formed in 2013 and previously performed in different cultural events across the country.

“We feel honoured as a group to be part of those who will be leading Pale Ya Rona Carnival Parade this year. This will go down in history that a group which started as a local women’s social group grew and attracted high decision makers in the art fraternity.”

She said their dream was to represent the country at an international level one day.

“We will make sure that we represent the whole of Johannesburg and Region Avery well at the event. Our dream is to perform at the big international events to showcase South African cultural diversity and richness.”

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