Community members bond with their dogs

MIDRAND – The adopt-a-dog and community walk aimed get some of their rescue dogs new homes, as well as to obtain dog food donations.

Community members spent a fun day out with rescue dogs at an ‘adopt-a-dog and community walk’ at a puppy and dog training school in Midrand on August 9.

Tristan Pretorius and Pipi take a walk around Glen Austin. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

Manderston Canine Academy founder Charlene Kruger said the purpose of the event was to get some of their rescue dogs new homes, as well as to obtain food donations for the dogs as the organisation currently funds solely out of their own pockets. The organisations asked visitors to donate dog food, or make a financial donation, as the entrance fee.

Rhyken van Tonder plays catch with one of the rescue dogs at the Manderston Canine Academy.

“We also just want to get the public out to see the dogs in kennels and hopefully find homes for them. We are joined today [August 9] by Dogs Trust, Labrador Rescue, Kitty and Puppy Haven and Chip for Cheaper that are doing the chipping for the dogs. Those are the major stands we have and anybody linked to the dog world is welcomed to join us,” she added.

Nicole Abvajee is with Stiles(Brown dog) and Milan taking a walk and stretching their legs. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

Kruger explained that the event would be an ongoing one, to be hosted on public holidays. “On September 24 we want to do the same thing again for Heritage Day so we can once again try and get as many dogs to homes as possible.

Julian Wang and Jims Wang find their keeper ‘Bubbles’ at the Manderston Canine Academy.

“Because of Covid-19 everybody has been locked up for so long, people can expect a facility where they can walk around without being in close contact with other guests, and bring their dogs and children out.

Rain Earle, Julian Vosloo and Jesse head back to the Manderston Canine Academy after their long walk. Photos: Ofentse Ditlopo

She added that there are food stalls, including ‘the most amazing pancakes’, as well as animal behaviourists. “Come and chat to us about your problems so we can assist you as much as we can.”

Bella does an obstacle course with Alexa Bosch. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

One of the guests, Rain Earle, explained why she supported the event. “We fostered and then adopted our dog that we decided to foster. This was a good way for us to get out of the house and be healthy, we enjoy spending time with animals and taking them out as well to explore and have fun,” Earle said.

Rhykhen van Tonder and his parents Lisa and Johan take big Jack on a walk.

Another guest, Sean Gerrard, shared how the value added by the Manderston Canine Academy has kept him coming to their events. “I have been a member of Manderston for about 12 years now and we come to all of their events. I would say the team’s charisma towards what they do has kept me here for so long,” Gerrard concluded.

Details: Manderston Canine Academy 082 450 5035.

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