Curro Waterfall looks to 2021

WATERFALL – Curro Waterfall shares their year-end message.

The Curro Waterfall share their journey in 2020 including their successes and frustrations.

Executive head of the school Dr Wilfred Bock said that this year has been challenging for the school due to the Covid-19 pandemic. “We are proud to say, however, that our learners and staff have remained highly motivated and have maintained a strong work ethic and a positive attitude during these difficult times. We are fortunate that our parent body has worked in partnership with our efforts, and we are grateful for their trust and continued support.”

Their biggest achievement they have seen this year was their smooth transition to online learning as the national lockdown came into affect. Bock added, “We were fortunate that the necessary infrastructure was already in place, and our teachers worked hard during the March holidays to ensure that lessons were recorded and ready to go live by the first day of term two, meaning, we did not lose any academic time.”

Another achievement was the school’s nomination by the Independent Examination Board (IEB) as the top school for achievement in mathematics in 2020.

Bock said, “In addition to our strong academic programme, we have maintained many of our school traditions by adapting them to a combination of digital and live activities. These included our annual Kindness Campaign, our Anti-Bullying Week, our Heritage Day celebrations, and our annual Curro Waterfall Pride ceremony.

“We have also continued with various extra-curricular activities during the year, such as an online creative media course, the Curro Create competition which took place virtually this year, and the Minecraft Curro Clash, which was won by our senior primary team.

“Our staff have continued their professional development during this time, and we are pleased to announce that two of our teachers have completed postgraduate degrees in 2020. They include Jennifer Kinsella who completed her Master’s degree in Education, and Megan van der Nest, who completed her PhD in English Literature.”

Bock congratulated the outgoing learners at their school and commended their hard work throughout the year. “They have proved themselves to be adaptable, resilient, and self-disciplined, and they can be proud of what they have achieved.”

He concluded, “In 2021, we look forward to building on the strong foundation that we have laid this year. The challenges posed by Covid-19 will continue, and we intend to use the experience gained in 2020 to strengthen our school community and work towards even greater achievements in the future.”

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