
When is the time?

JOBURG– Rada Unearthed asks an important question in a song.


‘When Is The Time’ is the eighth single from Rada Unearthed and its underlying message is masterful.

Written by founder John-Paul Nobrega and produced by Howie Combrink, the song is brought to life by the vocal prowess of Caroline Borole and the charismatic rhymes of Reason Ndlovu.

According to Borole When is the Time is a very special song because it doesn’t only address current issues in South Africa but it speaks on a global platform.

“Like the title says, when is the time for us to stop and take a moment to take in all the things we do to each other… and fix them. When are we going to be there for each other? When are we going to fix the ailments this country has, from the government down to… the people. We’ve got problems and we cannot run away from them,” said Borole.

This message is simply conveyed in the song’s music video. Shot and directed by fellow Rada Unearthed ambassador Sevven, the video depicts a young boy trying to cross the road. All around him people go about their daily lives, unaware of his predicament, or perhaps just too busy to stop and help.

Having seen this scenario on various occasions, Ndlovu said, “When are we going to change and start living like human beings and live together, not thinking of colour. Let’s just change and live together and make this world a better place.”

Since music is so integral to human life, Nobrega hopes that Rada can share an important message in a fun and relatable way by releasing this track to the broader community. “I believe everybody can identify with a good song,” said Nobrega.

Rada Unearthed strives to give any artist a fair chance in the music industry and wants to change the face of South African music. Rada is a platform that artists can use to communicate with their South African fans, by means of their music.

Details: www.rada.co.za; www.radaunearthed.co.za

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