Musical-themed concert

BRYANSTON – Junior College Sandton hosted their annual concert, with the theme of Musical Memories.

Junior College Sandton hosted a musical memory-themed concert and the little children had a blast performing for their parents.

Teacher, Amanda Brander, said the annual concert was a highly-anticipated event at the school and the staff and little ones looked forward to the event all year.

Junior College pupils ready for their big performance.
Junior College pupils ready for their big performance.

“Participation in the annual concert is encouraged at JC Sandton as we believe that it harnesses our children’s self-confidence and talent. It also teaches them to follow and remember instructions and directions, these skills and abilities are vital at this stage in their learning journey. ”

Junior College pupils perform in their annual concert.
Junior College pupils perform in their annual concert.

Proud mother, Masetshaba Motsepe said, “My son, Oratilwe was so dedicated to his performance that he wouldn’t respond to me waving to him in the audience. I’ve never been so proud.”

Junior College pupils perform in their annual concert.
Junior College pupils perform in their annual concert.

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