Get ready for a brand-new digital experience

  Digital Experience at Fourways Crossing in conjunction with LG, hosted a VIP evening for customers to showcase the latest Oled TV technology. About 40 existing customers were invited to the event, where drinks and snacks were available. They could experience a new Oled TV that had been set up in the store for the …


Digital Experience at Fourways Crossing in conjunction with LG, hosted a VIP evening for customers to showcase the latest Oled TV technology.

About 40 existing customers were invited to the event, where drinks and snacks were available. They could experience a new Oled TV that had been set up in the store for the occasion to help staff inform and educate customers on the technology and specials on merchandise.

“We’re hoping that these customers will adopt this new technology once they have a chance to see the quality,” explained Ryan du Toit, managing director of the Digital Experience store. “While this technology does have a heavy price tag, the quality of the image on such a screen means that it is definitely worth it,” said Du Toit.

Dean Daffue, marketing manager for LG was also in attendance and led guests through a presentation on the Oled product, which is an acronym for Organic Light-emitting Diode.

“It doesn’t use conventional lighting, like a regular LED TV. The big benefit is that such TVs do not use back-lighting, instead, the picture appears directly on the glass of the screen,” Daffue explained. “Every pixel on an Oled screen can switch on and off, which can create the perfect colour,” he said.

He said the best example to help customers understand what this actually meant, was to think of looking at the stars at night. “When you are in Johannesburg and you want to look at the stars, the light pollution from the city means you cannot see them very clearly. But, if you look at the same stars from somewhere like the Kruger Park, there is very little other light and so the stars are clearly visible. It is the same with Oled technology,” said Daffue.

Du Toit added that although TVs such as this had been available for some time, previous merchandise had been too expensive for it to be popular, but recent research and development had resulted in advancements that were much more affordable.

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