Editor's note

Ignorance breeds hatred

A woman stuck in the ugly past

Last week a woman called the Caxton Joburg North newsroom with hatred in her heart.

She yelled at one of our journalists who had written a story on Zoo Lake. The woman told the journalist that Zoo Lake had been given to the ‘white people’ years ago and as a black journalist, she had no right to say she was grateful to the mayor of Johannesburg for helping with the revamps that are taking place.

Not that it makes a difference, but that journalist was in fact quoting someone else as saying this.

The caller told the journalist that she did not have the right to suggest people visit the park, because she was black.

Before the journalist could get over the initial shock and respond to this woman, the phone on the other end had been slammed down. We will never know this woman’s name or her circumstances – unless she responds to this column.

The phone call sent shock waves down the newsroom and left most of us deeply saddened. How disappointing that someone should call with such hatred towards a fellow South African.

To this woman – and to others who seem unable to let go of apartheid – I pity you.

The majority of South Africans are trying to move forward. We see a beautiful country full of possibilities and passion. If you do not know this by now, let me make it as clear as possible for you, apartheid was ugly! It and the people who supported it were wrong and it will take a long time for our nation to heal.

The idea that Zoo Lake was given solely to white people is disgusting, not to mention utterly ridiculous.

The parks of Joburg belong to all of us, no matter what colour, culture, class or religion we may be.

Tell Megan McLean what you would have said had it been you on the other end of the phone by leaving a comment below.

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