Sandra Prinsloo’s English make-over

In 2009, when director Hennie van Greunen and actress Sandra Prinsloo started rehearsals on Rachelle Greeff's Nagtegaal Text prize-winning script, they had no idea that more than four years later they would still be touching people around the globe with a poignant play.

The Afrikaans play Die Naaimasjien, performed by Prinsloo as the central character Magdaleen, stirred emotions. Currently in its fourth year, the popularity of the play shows no evidence of waning as an English version makes its debut.

The Sewing Machine tells the story of an octogenarian whose world has shrunk from the endless expanse of her father’s fruit farm to a small room in the retirement home where she reflects on her life. The story is at once endearing, infuriating and immediately recognisable.

As Magdaleen meticulously cleans and packs her trusty sewing machine, preparing to sell it after 55 years, she is pulled back into her past by photographs, half-remembered conversations and singular memories locked in familiar objects.

We meet her husband and children as she quietly goes through her life story.

Her journey focuses on the personal, while the dysfunctional political past of her beloved South Africa forms a harsh background to her own struggles and obstacles.

The post-apartheid story reflects on an age that has passed and on a new one which has left many older people on all sides of the fence feeling disconnected and left behind.

The Sewing Machine celebrates its fourth year of touring with a four-week run in the Studio Theatre at Montecasino from 2 – 27 October.

Details: 011-511-1818 or or

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