School sportSport

HeronBridge team gets new kit

NIETGEDACHT – Despite school sports being suspended due to the increases of Covid cases in the country, first team rugby players of HeronBridge College celebrated Spar Broadacres as their new kit sponsor for their season.

HeronBridge first rugby team celebrated a new sponsor with a kit handover and lunch, courtesy of SPAR Broadacres on 19 May.

HeronBridge had come off a three-match winning streak in

six days before contact sports were suspended with immediate effect but it did not dampen the spirits of the players getting their new kit.

Captain of the team, Ethan Haigh thanked SPAR Broadacres for their new kit and bags, and for the honour of being trusted to uphold the brand.

“Afternoons like today are very memorable. To come out today and have a really nice lunch and make more memories with your fellow teammates is a great one.

First team vice captain Alpheus Malatji accepts the newly sponsored kit with first team rugby coach Billy Beyneveldt. Photo: Supplied

“It has been a busy few days, but now we as a team have the time to work on the finer details whenever we can go back on the field. Once things are finalised, it will definitely take us to the level we need to be at,” Ethan said.

Michael Tarr, owner of SPAR in Broadacres, expressed his pride in the group of players and said, “They have missed out on so much. We wanted to spoil them today and lift their spirits.”

Coach of the first team Billy Beyneveldt concluded, “Although we don’t know what the suspension of contact sports means for the rest of the season, we are so proud of this team

and look forward to seeing

what our boys do with their leadership responsibility on and off the field.”

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