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Learn how to do a single calf raise with the Schillers family

FOURWAYS - Olivia Schiller, a physiotherapist and Sunninghill Striders member, shares how community members can remain active during the lockdown.

The Schillers have released another video to help people keep fit during the lockdown.

Olivia Schiller, a physiotherapist and Sunninghill Striders member, together with her husband, Max, demonstrate how to do a single calf raise in the latest video.

Max, the ‘model’ in most of his wife’s videos, stands on one foot on a raised flat surface with hands resting against a wall for balance. His other leg is rested behind the leg he is standing on.

“The leg that you are on will be completely straight to start with. You drop below the level of the step and then push all the way up to the top,” Schiller instructed.

“Locking that knee as you go, using the calf to propel upwards.”Max then switched legs. Schiller explained that this exercise stretches the gastrocnemius muscle.

“Then you are going to do it with a bent knee. It is just an ankle movement so push up from the ankle.”This will stretch the soleus muscle.

“We need to strengthen both [muscles]. The two of them become the Achilles [tendon] so we need to strengthen both.

“Sunninghill Striders has also partnered with Embark Jozi North, which offers group training with a specific focus on triathlons. This includes a 21-day online training platform that focuses on strength for swimming, cycling and running.

Striders chairperson, Lisa Teepe, said, “We are so fortunate to live in a time where there are so many online resources available to us. Our members have enthusiastically shared the various fitness apps they have found useful.”

Another one is AdventureTales. Run by club member, Mike Sewell, on Instagram, it posts a list of movies, Ted talks, podcasts and books to encourage people and help them follow their dreams.

“Sunninghill Striders strives to be a club which welcomes runners of all levels. While there may not be any races for a while, now is the perfect time to work on your base fitness and become part of a wonderful running community.”

Details: Sunninghill Striders info@sunninghillstriders.co.za; www.sunninghillstriders.co.za

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