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Unfortunate postponement for cyclists who hoped to raise money for muscular dystrophy

FOURWAYS – Cyclists who hoped to raise R100 000 for the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation have had to put their plans on hold.

This year’s Joburg to Cape Town Cycle Tour did not go as planned, but with your help, next year’s event could raise thousands of rands for those in need.

As previously reported in the Fourways Review article Cyclist takes on an exciting challenge [Week ending 28 February], local resident Karan Singh and his teammates had planned to cycle nearly 2 000 km during the Joburg to Cape Town Cycle Tour 2020 in order to raise funds for Muscular Dystrophy Foundation Gauteng (MDF). However, things did not go according to plan – although a few cyclists managed to complete the voyage, the riders only managed to raise about R30 000 for the organisation.

“Some members of the team had to drop out, and that meant that sponsors dropped out too,” Singh told the Fourways Review. “This meant I was unable to complete the tour, which was incredibly disappointing as I was at my peak health this year.”

He explained that five of the riders completed the first leg of the journey, which saw them travel about 200km from Johannesburg on 26 February. Some could only ride for this first leg, and three team members competed the entire trip. After nine days of riding, one member also took on the Cape Argus Cycle race.

“We only managed to raise about R30 000, when I was hoping to raise at least R100 000, which goes to MDF and helps them support adults and children with muscular dystrophy. I am disappointed, but we’re starting now to make sure that next year’s ride goes better.”

Singh appeals to members of the public to get involved. Riders willing to take on the tour in 2021 are welcome to contact him, as well as those who are willing to sponsor next year’s kit and and the tour itself.

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“I would like to ask the community to give all the help they can, with the kit but also in other ways – even doing things like sponsoring water and biltong for the riders during the journey.

“We want to make the 2021 ride a success.”

You can also support the Muscular Dystrophy Foundation Gauteng right now by making a donation on their website, via PayFast or by adding them as a beneficiary to your My School card.

Details: www.mdsa.org.za; Karan Singh Karan.1.singh@live.com; 082 900 2225.

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