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This girl can dance

NORSCOT – After five years of hard work, Alexandra Mundell from Norscot has been named world champion at the World Freestyle Dance Championships in England.

A teenager from Norscot has achieved an amazing feat in dancing overseas.

Alexandra Mundell (19) from Norscot earned the title of champion after five years of hard work and dedication.

Alexandra reached this pinnacle at the World Freestyle Dance Championships which were recently held in Blackpool, England. She was named the champion in the Premier Championship section of the competition, making her one of only two South African women to ever do so.

A student at the Dance Zone International dance studio at Bryan Park Shopping Centre with trainers David Jones and Steve Noall, she is also the current holder of both the South African Under 18 Slowdance and Solo titles, and won the Champions of Champions title at the prestigious Battle of the Giants competition at Sun City in April for the second year in a row.

To prepare for the competition, Alexandra left South Africa in April to complete intensive training with Danny Baker in England but returned in early August to take part in local competitions.

This was her fifth visit to the World Championships in Blackpool. Last year she placed second and the year before that she achieved third.

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