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Helping Vincent go the distance

FOURWAYS GARDENS – As Vincent Manzere prepares to compete in his first Comrades Marathon, the Fourways Gardens community has stepped up to offer their support.

Vincent Manzere will run his first Comrades Marathon on 10 June and to fulfil his dream, he needed a little help from his friends.

“Vincent has worked here as a security guard at Junior College Gardens for about nine years now,” said Chenelle Walker, principal of the school.

“He’s an avid runner and has been with the Fourways Gardens Road Runners Association for about two years now.”

“Since he’s started running, he’s entered 30km races and 20km races and has been doing really well in all of them. He’s completed parkruns in about half an hour.”

A few months ago, a parent from the school suggested that Manzere run this year’s Comrades, the first time that the 43-year-old would attempt the 89km route between Pietermaritzburg and Durban. Entrants need to pay an entry fee of between R460 and R500, and also fund transport to and accommodation in Kwa-Zulu Natal, which proved a bit of a challenge for Manzere.

“Here at the school, we decided that we’d raise R2 500 for him, which should help him reach his dream,” added Walker.

(back) Vincent Manzere and Junior Colleges Gardens principal Chenelle Walker with schoolchildren Abbe Middleton and Jade Yako. Photo: Robyn Kirk
Vincent Manzere will run his first Comrades Marathon on 10 June. Photo: Robyn Kirk

The school kept its word with donations from parents and staff pouring in, with one Junior College family offering to pay for a new pair of running shoes that Manzere can choose for himself.

The runners association is also offering their support and will be cover transport and accommodation costs for Manzere, as well as provide any other gear that he might need.

“I’m very excited to take on the Comrades, and getting support from people makes me very happy,” said Manzere.

“I’m hoping to finish the route in about seven or eight hours, and I’ve been training hard to get ready.”

The Comrades Marathon is the oldest ultramarathon in the world, and about 20 000 runners from across the globe will be taking part in this year’s event which will be the ‘down run’ from Pietermaritzburg to Durban. The first Comrades was held in 1921.

“We wish him well, he must enjoy it and know that all of us will be there with him in spirit,” Walker concluded.

If you want to offer your support to Vincent Manzere, please call Junior Colleges Gardens on 011 465 4088.


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