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Dainfern Country Club golfers do the Turkey Trot

DAINFERN – Women golfers raise funds for the caddies through a fun golf day.


When you gotta do the Turkey Trot, then you gotta do it.

Dainfern Country Club’s women golfers do it every year and this year was one of the best yet. Forty-five golfers of varying skill turned up for the annual Ladies Turkey Trot dressed in festive attire and played another social round of three-ball golf for a good cause on 24 November.

Carol-Anne Ferreira watches her shot. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

Jokes were shared across the greens, tinsel and Father Christmas hats abounded, and a festive air was enjoyed by all on a glorious sunny day.

Where in the past hampers were collected for the caddies and given to them at the event ahead of Christmas, this year the club decided to raise funds and give them directly to the caddies to use how they wished.

Nicole Harty plays in the Ladies Turkey Trot. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

Also read: Dainfern Country Club’s Joyce Hughes swings by for tee 

“The caddies always work hard and smile while they do it,” said the club’s assistant golf manager, Ernest Mojopela.

He, along with golf manager, Rikert Schalkwyk, explained that whether it be carrying golf bags, raking sand in bunkers, or offering tips on the game, the caddies at Dainfern gave their best, which was important because they were the face of the club. “The club appreciates all the work they do and is happy to give back in this way.”

Suzue Hasunuma, Shamin Jaffer and Lucia Coter play in a three-ball in the Turkey Trot. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

He concluded that the event was a monumental success and seemed to be improving. In total, R4 100 was raised for the caddies.

Also read: Golfers in full swing on Mandela Day 

Dalene Vanass plays in Dainfern Country Club’s Ladies Turkey Trot. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

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