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Trainer takes no excuses

BEVERLEY - Crossfit trainer and gym owner, Diane Hope has some tips for Fourways residents who are looking to get in shape after winter.

Hope is the owner of the newly-opened Crossfit Slam gym at Langhams convention centre in Beverley, and she doesn’t take ‘no’ for an answer.

“Do you think you’re too busy or do you have children or sit in traffic for hours everyday? No excuses,” she said. Hope advised residents to wake up earlier and choose a gym with shower facilities so that they can train, then shower and go straight to work.

“Go to a gym that has a family environment,” she said. “A place where your kids can workout too, so that you don’t have the worry of finding a caregiver while you train.”

Hope also mentioned that residents should always take convenience into account when looking for a place to workout. “The closer your workout place and the more you enjoy the type of workout, the greater the chances of you sticking to it.” Hope said some of the benefits of exercise were that it helped to combat various health conditions and diseases, improved mood, boosted energy, promoted better sleep and decreased the signs of aging as well as helping to control weight gain.

Hope recommended crossfit training as a solution to a busy lifestyle as it was a fast-paced, intense and a non-stop workout that could take less than 15 minutes a day. Hope said because crossfit training was done in a community environment it encouraged the individual to push their boundaries. “Even the people who finish last get a round of high-fives for pushing themselves as hard as they can,” she said. “It makes training fun again.”

Details: www.crossfitslam.co.za

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