
Sandton Community Police Forum chairperson steps down

Former Sandton Community Police Forum chairperson Wendy Robertson writes:

Dear all, as of 23 July, I stand down as chairperson of the Sandton Community Police Forum (CPF).

I believe I have fulfilled the official Community Police Forum mandate of establishing, promoting and maintaining public participation and private partnership between the community and police, of improving transparency and accountability of the police to the community and ensuring joint problem identification and resolution.

For me, it has been a 10-year association with the Sandton CPF, starting with Victim Support membership following a driveway robbery in July 2004 which occurred after a mere six weeks of moving into Sandton.

I believe I leave behind a well-structured organisation which, due to strong foundations, can go forward into the future. To those who have assisted in this endeavour, I thank you most sincerely for your support, time and constructive contributions of the past.

In addition I would like to thank the members of Sandton police for the trust and team spirit that has been built up over the years.

I have truly learned to understand and appreciate the police structure and how each good member puts in their all on a daily basis to make policing work in our country. Thank you very, very much – whether it be the background crew who are so important or the ones who put on their bulletproof vests on a daily basis to fight the scourge of criminality in our area. You are all very dear to my heart.

This appreciation and recognition is extended to our reservists who play such an important role in Sandton in bringing criminals to book. Please carry on.

A very special word of thanks must be extended to two very special people, Brigadier Allan Billings, the Sandton Police Station commander with whom I have had a close association with for 10 odd years. I believe that together we have contributed to making Sandton a better place for all.

To Yogi Govender, who over the past four years has been a stalwart of the Sandton Community Police Forum, manning the office and extending a warm yet professional hand to members of the police and the community. Your dedication, support, friendship and competency has been a shining light in this area of my life and you will always remain very special to me.

As I move into the future, putting my time and talents into the more local issues that affect our community, I wish you all everything of the best.

Send former Sandton Community Police Forum chairperson Wendy Robertson your messages on the Sandton Chronicle Facebook page

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