
Obey the law

Natasha Levenderis writes:

I have been so torn about assisting at the site of the Kya Sands fire.

However, my conscience has gotten the better of me and I will be doing something.

My point is, the residents there have complete disregard for any rules that are put in place, and then are left homeless when things go wrong. Is there any way to educate everyone involved, and then demolish the shacks or issue heavy fines or community service when they disobey?

If this was a formal environment, there would have been enough water available and the fire trucks could have got to where they were needed because the roads would have been wider.

Now the city council can sit back, yet again, while the surrounding communities help those in need.

Are parts of this country going to spiral into third world slums, or is some action going to be taken to get rid of illegal shebeens and electricity connections?

The answer is simple; get rid of the illegal immigrants and create an environment of law-abiding citizens, create an area with rules that are upheld, and then everyone’s needs are met.

We need to encourage every South African citizen to just obey the law.

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