
Restraint and tolerance required

Ivy M writes in response to 'Fourways family accosted' (Fourways Review, week ending 6 May):

I feel that people need to learn to drive their own car.

Being a young student with three years experience on the road I have noticed that people who drive on the road feel the need to drive the car that is ahead as well as the car behind them.

The Ramiah family in the article were incorrect in believing that it was okay to hoot at the vehicle in front of them purely because he was “driving very slowly through the robot”. Hooters were created to alert and warn other drivers of a possible collision, not to prompt others to drive faster. My main concern is that they found the gentleman’s speed to be an issue. It is ridiculous that people want other people to drive faster, yet speed kills on a daily basis.

In the article, Ramiah stated that they were in a rush while the man in front of them was clearly not, and why should he have been? He couldn’t have possibly been expected to rush too just because the Ramiah family failed to plan their time properly.

I am in no way supporting the aggressive reaction of the male driver, as restraint and tolerance should be practised by our fellow motorists. We as motorists need to remember that we share the road with human beings. Human beings go through different, tough stages in life. The person driving to your left might have just been retrenched, while the one driving on your right might be going through a divorce or contemplating suicide. These factors can lead to people overreacting or reacting in an aggressive manner on the road.

Therefore the Ramiah family should have simply changed lanes and overtaken him without hooting or cutting him off.

I’m sure the man was aware of his speed. I myself had to drive my car to a mechanic because the clutch pad was completely finished. Therefore I could not drive faster than 50km/h and people were hooting non-stop. That day I knew what speed I was travelling at and could not do anything about it.

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One Comment

  1. I agree 100% with this restraint and tolerance mail.

    Since moving to Fourways from Randburg in September 2013 I feel like I am driving in a different country. Motorists in Fourways are way to aggressive and seem to almost sit inside your vehicle if you dare to go too slow. What happened to safe following distance?

    It also seems that vehicles in Fourways don’t come with indicators, motorists shopping lanes randomly without indicating and if you dare blow your hooter or show any dissatisfaction then you are threatened or sworn at or get the finger, even from women.

    The taxis in Fourways are out of control. It is against the law to park you vehicle on an island never mind drive. Red robots are ignored putting commuters lives in danger, the speeds at which they travel astonish me. The yellow line now seems to be dedicated for taxis mostly not to mention the new trend of motorist using this too. A car jumped a red light in the yellow lane the other day nearly taking my mirror off, not even slowing down or looking for that matter,bit seems to be the norm.

    I have read that the metro police can’t be everywhere at all times, but I only see them some of the times not doing anything about this. Why can’t motorist just follow the law, why do the have to have a law onto themselves?

    My son was hit by a motorist whilst driving his bike in January, in front of Intercare opposite Fourways mall. He was exiting our complex, Hawthorn Village when the motorist jumped the red and failed to stop at the yield when turning into Intercare when he t-boned my son. My son landed up under a bush. The motorist jumped out his car, very concerned about the damages on his car. 9 eye witnesses saw this happen. He immediate started making a call, the security asked if he was calling the ambulance and with irritation answered that he was calling his wife. Not once did he even bother to see if my son was ok. The security ran back to their posts to call an ambulance while the dentist nurses tried to assist with my son who lost half his foot due to it being crushed by the impact and broken femur.

    We can’t do anything to this person, the road accident fund prevents us doing anything. This pains me that motorists can do what they want and drive like crazy. It’s very sad that there is zero respect for fellow motorists on the road.

    I am just shocked and speechless most of the time driving in Fourways. Why are people soooo angry here?

    I would love to understand.

    Thank you

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